Sunday, September 4, 2011


So let's talk J-Culture!

What am I watching that you should be watching?
Well, the list goes on and on, so over time we'll address all of my past loves and current flings.
First, I most pay homage to my first animated love: 
Sailor Moon or 美少女戦士セーラームーン

Sailor Moon was an anime about a teenage girl and her friends that could transform into pretty sailor scouts to defeat evil while learning about life, love, and the future on their journey. It was targeted primarily towards young girls, but I absolutely fell in love with it. The cinematic and stylized transformations and attacks of all the characters were original and beautiful, and it has stuck with me to this very day.  Although it ran from 1992 to 1997, and I was only 6 when I started watching, I still can't shake the feeling that it heavily shaped my views of love, beauty, and grace. This is undoubtedly one of my favorite things in existance, so I hope someone can back me up on that. 

J-Music anyone?

This is Bach no Senritsu o Yoru ni Kiita Sei Desu (Because of listening to Bach melodies at night) by Sakanaction. This is Sakanaction's newest single from their to-be-announced album. The music video is crazy and their music is awesome. Seriously dynamic with a really experimental '80s synthesized rock feel to it. Love it.

I'll have to save my next blog post to address the enormous complexity of Japanese fashion. Stay tuned.



  1. I love that you posted about Sailor Moon. I made a dig about it in my post but I do truly love her. I also was a huge fan of Cardcaptors which I think ran about the same time. Did you ever watch that? Similar themes of awesomeness and such.

  2. That was a really good song, with a cool video too. I'm definitely gonna have to look into that band! I never watched Sailor Moon though...

  3. Sailor Moon! They were never ending in my memory. My favorite girl's anime was 爱天使伝说ウェディングピーチ, any chance you have watched it before?

  4. Brenna, it's so awesome that you watched Cardcaptors. I actually downloaded the series and rewatched it over the summer. Sailor Moon is still better in my opinion though. Bill, get to watchin' that Sailor Moon. TEI, is that Wedding Peach? I never watched it, but I've heard that it's similar to Sailor Moon, but we all know that Sailor Moon did it first and better.
